PTPI-DL-ROMs: pre-trained physics-informed deep learning-based reduced order models for nonlinear parametrized PDEs


Among several recently proposed data-driven Reduced Order Models (ROMs), the coupling of Proper Orthogonal Decomposition (POD) and deep learning-based ROMs (DL-ROMs) has proved to be a successful strategy to construct non-intrusive, highly accurate, surrogates for the real time solution of parametric nonlinear time-dependent PDEs. Inexpensive to evaluate, POD-DL-ROMs are also relatively fast to train, thanks to their limited complexity. However, POD-DL-ROMs account for the physical laws governing the problem at hand only through the training data, that are usually obtained through a full order model (FOM) relying on a high-fidelity discretization of the underlying equations. Moreover, the accuracy of POD-DL-ROMs strongly depends on the amount of available data. In this paper, we consider a major extension of POD-DL-ROMs by enforcing the fulfillment of the governing physical laws in the training process – that is, by making them physics-informed – to compensate for possible scarce and/or unavailable data and improve the overall reliability. To do that, we first complement POD-DL-ROMs with a trunk net architecture, endowing them with the ability to compute the problem’s solution at every point in the spatial domain, and ultimately enabling a seamless computation of the physics-based loss by means of the strong continuous formulation. Then, we introduce an efficient training strategy that limits the notorious computational burden entailed by a physics-informed training phase. In particular, we take advantage of the few available data to develop a low-cost pre-training procedure; then, we fine-tune the architecture in order to further improve the prediction reliability. Accuracy and efficiency of the resulting pre-trained physics-informed DL-ROMs (PTPI-DL-ROMs) are then assessed on a set of test cases ranging from non-affinely parametrized advection-diffusion-reaction equations, to nonlinear problems like the Navier-Stokes equations for fluid flows.

Stefania Fresca
Stefania Fresca
Assistant Professor

My research interests are scientific machine learning, reduced order modeling and AI.